
Wednesday 3 June 2015


It is here at last!

The NEW Annual Stampin' Up! Catalogue for 2015-2016 has landed!! How exciting!! Squeee!

To view the new goodies in my online shop click here or click on the image  of the catalogue that is on the left hand side bar of my blog to view the pdf version of the catalogue. If you would like me to send you a paper copy of the catalogue, then please contact me and I shall be happy to send one to you  in the snail mail post!

If you have a large wish list, or, you would like to get discounts on your purchases, then you might want to consider purchasing a starter kit and joining my team. I welcome hobbyists as well as business-minded demonstrators, all are welcome! The starter kit costs £99 and you get to choose £130's worth of products for that £99 cost! (The kit also includes a business pack with everything you need to kick start your business, worth over £40.)

From now until 30th June, there is a special offer on the starter kit and if you join my team during this promotional period, you can choose TWO FREE STAMP SETS in addition to the starter kit items! Click on the image below to find out more:

It is SUCH an exciting time in the Stampin' Up! world, don't you think? New goodies, free goodies, special offers... wow! LOVE IT!!

I think that that is enough excitement for one day, so, I shall leave you to it... Go get yourself a cuppa and enjoy having a good browse through the new catalogue   - if you have any questions please do contact me and ask. 

Until next time, happy shopping as well as happy crafting everyone!

Lucy x

P.S. Don't forget that there are also new weekly deals every Wednesday and that you can add these as well as any of the clearance rack discounted items to your next order of new goodies!! ;0)

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